I want to start a business, what should I do?
You may attend Small Business Orientation offered by the JAX Chamber’s Entrepreneurial Growth Div. Normally, the Orientations are held at the JAX Chamber Mondays, 5:30pm or Tuesdays, noon. Due to COVID 19 at this time, we are hosting Online Orientation.
What does the SBC Orientation consist of?
The orientation provides an overview of the programs and services available through the JAX Chamber Entrepreneurial Growth Division and other resources partners. This Free two-part program includes a presentation immediately followed by entrepreneurial breakout sessions.
I would prefer not to attend an Orientation, what else can I do?
You may schedule an appointment to meet with a SCORE Mentor here at the JAX Chamber. Also, attend the four-part Achieve your Business Dream workshop series.
How do I make an appointment with SCORE?
Go to SCORE’s website (www.jacksonville.score.org) to schedule an appointment.
Because of COVID-19, in-person sections aren’t available, mentors are available to participate in remote mentoring sessions via phone, email and video. If you don’t already have a mentor, you can click find a business mentor today. If you have any problems, contact Frances Fisher - frances.fisher@scorevolunteer.org
Does Small Business Center offers workshop for starting a business?
The Small Business Center, in partnership with SCORE offers the Achieve Your Business Dream workshop Series. This series of four workshops are offered on Tuesday evenings during the month of February, May, August and October.
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